Feeling the pinch of competition? Desiring to elevate your sales? Ecommerce retargeting is the silver bullet you’re looking for. This robust marketing approach leverages technology to cater ads to individuals who’ve previously engaged with your brand online or visited your ecommerce store. By embracing this strategy, you will replace one-size-fits-all ads with personalized product suggestions […]
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Waiting for the next day, 24 to 48 hours for your merchant transactions to hit your bank account may not seem like a big deal when you first open a business. After all, a regular job would make you wait a week or two before you get paid. Soon, though, you will find that financial […]

One of the hardest decisions to make as a merchant is which payment processing services to use. Most have arcane fee structures that make it hard to tell exactly what you’ll pay. There’s the discount rate, the transaction fee, the statement fee, and more. Even worse, some of the fee names are the opposite of […]

When e-commerce processing first came into existence, analysts predicted that it could become a multimillion-dollar industry. Now, it’s clear that what once seemed lofty was actually understated. Billions of dollars change hands online, and the vast majority does so via credit card transactions. This makes e-commerce processing more important than ever.

Allowing customers to pay for a product or service using a credit card is a very important convenience that can directly result in higher sales. While there are clear advantages to allowing a consumer to use credit cards for payment, it can result in some drawbacks including the requirement to pay fees and delays in […]

There are many payment gateways in the market and more are coming up by the day. Some banks even have their own gateways. It can get confusing for small enterprises just starting out on which platform to choose that is appropriate for their online store or e-commerce business. One such advantageous payment gateway and the […]

Providing customers with the ability to pay for a product or service with a credit card is an incredible service that could result in far greater revenues for the business. However, when you sell a product with a credit card, you often are not able to receive your actual payment for up to 72 hours […]

For any business that accepts credit card payments, having access to a company that can provide merchant services is very important. For those that are located in the New York City area, hiring a NYC merchant service provider could be a great decision. There are several advantages of having a merchant service provider that is […]

It is axiomatic to regard merchant account service providers with low pricing as deceptive enterprises with notorious tactics ready to exploit loopholes they keep hidden in drudgery contracts. Since the advent of e-commerce and the necessity of third-party payment processors, businesses interpret more or high pricing as better or premium service.

Big cities each have their own unique traits, and in one as large as NYC, there are enough of them that they make significant impacts on how business is done. There are local regulations, business payment expectations, and demands that may not exist halfway across the country. For this reason, it’s a good idea to […]

Many merchant processors only offer funding for completed transactions with a two- or three-day delay. If you’re used to this, you may not realize how much this is affecting your business, but it shouldn’t take much thought before you can think of some problems it has caused. New businesspeople can also easily envision scenarios in which […]

It may seem like just yesterday when you could put up a site and have people come into your store to shop, but with the speed of technology’s rise, that might as well be a million years ago. Now, people want to buy precisely when they’re in the mood – and they don’t want to […]

Authorize.net is well-known to e-commerce sites since it is the biggest payment gateway serving this market. It is stable, robust, and includes many security features. This ensures that it will remain the favorite for the foreseeable future.

How is your business doing? Is your startup ready to rock and roll or is your well established SaaS business steadily growing? Perfect. That means that your stress and headache over the intricacies of payment processing are a distant memory – right?

All chargebacks are frustrating, but it’s even worse when they happen because of fraud. Then, you not only lose the transaction but the merchandise as well. This alone is enough reason to make sure you stop fraud before you send out any products. Here are some of the chargeback prevention ways that you can armor your […]

There hasn’t been a more successful change in technology than in the way we make and accept payments. Since the automation of payments from our usual brick and mortar local banks and cash registers to mobile payments and credit card payments, various industries have since moved with the change and seen significant ease of doing […]

Money is the grease that keeps your business moving. Products, employees – keeping all those gears spinning is how your business gains and keeps its forward momentum. For cash transactions, making sure you get paid fast is easy, but what about your credit card processor?

NYC is the city that never sleeps, so why does it make sense for a merchant to get a sleepy payment processor from somewhere else in the country? New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut area merchants need a local processor that understands their business needs. Let’s look at NYC Merchant Services.

With the Internet came the ability to shop without setting foot into a retail store. Now with high-speed internet, customers can shop on-the-go using their smartphones and tablets, and this is choking sales for brick and mortar retail stores. The last few years have witnessed the stubborn stagnation of retail sales while e-commerce sales are soaring. […]